Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Today has been a total whirlwind.

I received a call this morning. My surgery is happening tomorrow.

I didn't even know where to begin with the list of tasks I had planned on doing before I would get sick. I ran around buying snacks for Nigel, cereal for his breakfasts (Cereal! We don't do cereal.), shinguards, kneepads, birthday gifts and a book. I also had to buy clear liquids for myself. 

Yes, I've been powered by clear liquids all day. And MiraLAX. 

I drank two doses of MiraLAX, once at noon and once at 3:00pm. Considering all this input, there has hardly been any output. I'm thinking about drinking a third dose of that swill.

Originally, I had wanted to do a colonic and it was approved by my doctor. But the next opening turned out to be nearly two weeks away--apparently Portland likes its colonics--so now I'm stuck with the MiraLAX (I can write about this; after all, I'm having surgery through my vagina).

Around noon, I ran into one of my neighbors while carting bags into the house. And before I knew it, three of my dear, sweet neighbors were vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, wiping and scrubbing our upstairs, downstairs and basement. One even cleaned our bathrooms--bathrooms that are constantly violated by the unruly urine of a boy (Thank you so, so much Ashley, Marisa and Summer!!!).

And then everything came screeching to a halt. 

I received a phone call from Good Sam, the hospital of my scheduled surgery. An out-of-network hospital. The employee read a disclaimer that the surgery would cost $31,000 and there was no guarantee that Providence, our insurance, would cover the cost. Whoa!

I immediately called our insurance broker. She went to work sorting through the paperwork labyrinth and made several phone calls on my behalf. Providence will cover $18,000 of the out-of-network costs, but there's a specific form that needs to be approved, allowing out-of-network doctors to have part of their services covered by an out-of-network provider. There is no guarantee that this will happen. We might get stuck paying $13,000. And the soonest available surgery date for our in-network hospital is one week away. When post-surgery recovery is factored in, I wouldn't receive my first chemo infusion until mid-June. I need it now. 

But then our insurance broker said some truths that made all the stress and anxiety melt away. I need this surgery now. The cost doesn't matter. I would pay that much for Jason. He will pay that much for me. I need to focus on myself, meditate, sleep well. She will work to reduce the costs--like a motherfucking pit bull. 

All these amazing people who are poised and ready to support me and Jase has been so overwhelmingly beautiful.

And all the Dudette ever wanted was to have her chemo...


  1. Sending every warm and fuzzy thought your direction for your surgery today Denise. I'm glad to hear you are moving ahead. F'ing insurance man.

  2. Denise, I don't know if I am reading this too late to help. IF not, let me know if you need me to reach out to Jill Steiner at Allswell to try to get you in for the colonic before your surgery (just text). I don't know what Jill's hours are this week but worth a try? She is amazing and will understand your needs are more pressing that those of Spring detoxers (which is why the colonics schedule is so full right now...)

  3. Thinking of you today, Denise. I went up to drop a cooler at your house for the meals, and of course, there was one already there- with a lovely note, no less. Even with all this shit, you're in it. Love you!!! T

  4. Denise, Thinking about you today and sending you happy, healthy thoughts! Hugs
    ps. the "basketball" comment was posted by me under my son's tag.

  5. I hope all went smoothly today. Thinking of you! Xoxo

  6. Wow Denise. I am so glad you are getting the surgery so soon. It's best to yank the band aid off quickly. Our prayers are going out for a speedy and painless recovery. God Speed. You are a brave woman and will fight this. We are all here to help. Please LMK if i can help with errands or driving Nigel anywhere next week. I am here til June 10, but going to Croatia for 2 weeks. We will be following your progress from abroad. Steve is here all next week to read any pathology reports. WE love you!!
    Get better soon!
    xo Tanya

  7. Hi Denise. I am thinking and sending lots of concentrated energy your way, some absent Reiki, songs, meditations. know that you are on my mind and in my heart as I move around my days. Pull on your strength now and get through this tough surgery - know that there is a mountain of love and friendship backing you up.

  8. Denise I cannot wait for all of this is behind you because I want to buy the book you'll be finishing - You are a gifted writer and I can hear you say the words you write in your blog. your body has let you down at the moment, but your mind is better then ever! Please shout out ( down hill) when you want/need anything I'm here for you ( as well as anyone who knows you D)
    love you! Rebecca

  9. Hope you're able to enjoy this sunshine. Thinking about!! Xoxo

  10. Hoping that the robots were kind and thoughtful about the parts they weren't robbing from you. If there are any moments Nigel wants to get out, and Riley is the guy he'd like to get out with, please call or text.

  11. Just wanted you to know that I was sending positive thoughts out into your universe. So sorry you are dealing with all this but see you have so many wonderful people supporting you. Do what you need to heal and smile each day. If you are in need of mediables during chemo, let me know. I have a friend that makes them and it has helped a dear friend many times through her chemo. And they are very tasty! :) Take care and know you are thought of often. You can do this! You are strong and you are going to kick this fucking cancer in the butt!!
    Hugs, Robyn Mann
