Wednesday, May 18, 2016

It began 12 days ago

when Jason felt a lump in my left breast. It was big, a golfball. But we were on vacation and wouldn't return to Oregon until late Sunday night.

On Monday, I called my doctor and requested a mammogram. He needed to see me first, so we set up an appointment for Tuesday.

My doctor examined both breasts and agreed that the lump felt like the size of a golfball. I was scheduled for an ultrasound and mammogram the next day.

The radiologist didn't like the look of the mass. She took four biopsy samples right there on the table.

Then we waited.

For seven days.

My doctor called while I was driving on Burnside. I knew what his answer was going to be.

That was yesterday. I have an appointment with my breast surgeon this Friday morning and an appointment with my oncologist this Friday afternoon. I'm guessing treatment will begin next week.

My mass has the generic name of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (it started in my milk duct and spread). This basically means I've got cancer in my boob. It is 4cm large. It was not present at my last mammogram in October, so it is most likely aggressive. There is no history of breast cancer in my family. I breastfed Nigel for two and a half years. I cook and bake the majority of our meals and snacks and they are mostly organic. I make my own deodorant and, for the most part, wear natural products.

What the fuck???


  1. Oh my god, I'm so shocked and sorry that you're going through this. Let me know if there's anything we can do to help-- can always make extra food and bring some over. I'll talk to my cousin who went through treatment and see if there's anything that was especially helpful to her. *HUGS* Kim

  2. Oh Denise I'm so so sorry! It's like Alanis Morriset said- "isn't it ironic"- the smokers and drinkers and drugees of the world live forever and the healthy ones have the problems. Please let me know if there is anything we can do. Nigel is welcome to stay at our house anytime- even if it's last minute and you just need a nap i'll come get him. Don't hesitate to ask for anything!! Our thoughts and prayers are with you!!

  3. This confirms that life is unfair. I love you and will be there for you in any way you need. Xoxo Tricia

  4. Denise. I was just thinking of you as I was happily anticipating strawberry season and your kick ass strawberry freezer jam.
    Ditto your 'what the fuck' statement!!!
    I'll make you jam and O would love to have Nigel over. Tell me how to help!

  5. "What the fuck?" indeed. And FUCK CANCER while we're at it! I'm so sorry to hear the news, Denise.

    I am rest assured that you are exploring all angles of treatment. There are so many more options these days. Including immunology - for which I know very little, but keep hearing great things. Please keep us posted once you know the regimen.

    I am not especially religious but I will be sending out good intentions and thoughts your way and to the Universe each day. You ARE going to be OK. Tough road ahead...but you ARE going to be OK, Denise.


    PS - Hoping to still see you guys in Montana. Fingers crossed you can squeeze it in between surgery and/or any treatment.

  6. Unfortunately cancer doesn't discriminate AND THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU GOT CANCER! Trust me over the last two months of my own journey I have done a TON of research and reading and I really looked for a reason for my breast cancer too. There just isn't a reason. This is unlike anything, and yet cancer is now just a part of your life and you didn't get to choose. It's certainly surreal and insane. I saw a t-shirt the other day that reminded me of you, it said in big words across the bust: "Yes they're fake, my real ones tried to kill me!"

  7. So sorry to hear this news, Denise. I agree with Amber, above. Cancer is one of those things you can't prevent--though I know it feels unfair that you, someone who is healthy, cares about good, home-made food, stays away from chemicals, etc. would find a lump in her breast. It isn't fair. I felt similarly when I was diagnosed with a rare auto-immune disease when I was in college. I was like, "But I eat wheat germ, whole wheat bread, and more vegetables than anyone I know! And I exercise every day!" I probably dealt with my disease & concomitant treatment because I ate so well already but it certainly didn't keep me from getting sick in the first place.

    You and Jason (yay Jase!) spotted it early and are moving quickly to get the best care--I bet you will get rid of that damn lump in the best way possible, ASAP. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. I can also put you in touch with my good friend Kim who recently went through b.c. treatment here in Portland and could recommend a fabulous naturopath (who is trained in cancer care) who she still sees, a support group, etc.

    Thinking of you. xoxo

  8. So sorry you have to go through this. Now go kick cancer's butt like you kick butt at every thing else in this world. We will be thinking of you
    -The Ramseys

  9. WTF evil tit indeed!!! We are down the street for anything you, Jason or Nigel need. Please let us, all of us, help. You are the kindest, most wonderful friend and neighbor. You are so loved! And this is so insane and unfair.

  10. I have had to ask that question a lot recently, WTF!? We will be thinking about you, praying for you, and will do whatever we can for you, Jason and Nigel. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK. You are going to kick this things ass!!!

  11. Unbelievable! Life can be unfair and deals the wrong people these blips! However, what I know about you is that you are going to fight and beat this. You have amazing support behind you and please let us know whatever we can do to help!!!!! Lisa

  12. Oh Denise I'm so sorry. I spoke to Jason today. I don't have your number but he has mine. I know you're overwhelmed with communication now, but I'm here If you need anything at all, please let me know. Much love. XO Susie

  13. I love your sense of humor even in the face of fear and unknown! That is going to help you win this battle. Great blog name. I am so sorry that you are faced with cancer and have to go through this process. We will be praying for your good health and peace of mind. I'm so glad you found it readily and are on top of dealing with it!
    In the essence of your clean/natural approach to lifestyle, I hope you'll consider connecting with a naturopathic oncologist to seek out some nourishing holistic treatments to keep your body strong and help fight that cancer. (My mom is seeing one in town. There are likely others as well.) Let me know if you want info. xoxo Julie B.

  14. Denise- I'm so sorry to hear this. We are here for you -- can bring food, take Nigel, anything-- don't hesitate to ask for anything! I mean it-- please ask for any help you need. Sending lots of positive thoughts and love.

  15. Denise, so sorry to hear this crummy news. We're thinking of you and sending lots of positivity your way! Let us know if we can help in any way!

  16. Oh Denise, we are so sorry to hear this news. I remember when you first had a biopsy done a couple of years this ugly thing. Stay strong as you are. We are sending you lots of love and hugs!!! Thanks for letting us know. xxoo, Madeleine and Andrew

  17. Denise, I LOVE you. The nutritionist in me wants to tell you about the specific things to help stop feeding the cancer progression right now. And yet I must realize that you did not ask for that. I trust you to reach out if/ whenever you want me to.

    The friend in me simply wants to give you a hug and tell you to count on any “friend of over 12 years” help you need. ANYTHING. You've got that.

    And, finally: we ALL have cancer cells moving through us constantly. I know I do right now as I am typing this up. I can “almost” feel them as my heart feels heavy. But I also feel you are in good hands and I believe in YOU. Please remember that your body is NOT a “lemon” and never has been.

    Sending more love and light your way,

  18. Denise! I am so sorry! You have so many people here who love you and support you!!! This MFing golf ball doesn't know who it's dealing with! If there's anything we can do, let us know. We are here for you. I'm home while Sylvia is in school, so I have lots of time. So glad Jason was there to grope you.

    With love and support!!!

  19. Denise, we are so sorry to hear this. If there's anything we can do for you, Jase and Nigel, please don't hesitate to let us know. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. Big Hugs!
    - Lang & Alyssa

  20. Denise, we’re so sorry to hear the diagnosis! You’ve been in our thoughts so much these past few days. Thank you for sharing the news and setting up the blog to keep us informed. We have full confidence that you will kick its ass and we’re here to help however we can. We’ll be reaching out sometime this week to coordinate a dinner drop off and we’d be happy to help run errands or distract you with a smiling baby. Much love from the Shinns!

  21. Hi Denise. I am so sorry to hear about this. Please know that you and Jason and Nigel will be in my thoughts. Sending you all every good wish. I look forward to joining the dinner brigade. Let me know if you want me to make a mixed Grateful Dead tape to help the healing process. Chil

  22. I'm so sorry Denise! Sending you and your family lots of good vibes and will be thinking of you tons during this marathon.
